Sustainable Development

As a company in the business of improving health, Teva is committed to building partnerships in pursuit of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. At its core are 17 SDGs, constituting a universal call for actions aimed at ending poverty, protecting the planet, and ensuring all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
3 Good health and well-being
Advancing good health and well-being is core to our business and our mission to improve the lives of patients. As a leading supplier of medicines on the World Health Organization’s Essential Medicines List (EML), we help increase access to, and affordability of, treatments. More specifically, we address SDG 3.4 to reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs), through our portfolio and global health efforts – including those focused on people with MCCs.
8 Decent work and economic growth
We contribute to economic growth in the markets where we operate. We promote diversity, inclusion, gender equality, health and safety to create work environments where our employees can thrive.
9 Industry, innvonation and infrastrusucture
We continuously innovate to uncover novel medicines and use the latest technologies and techniques to transform insights into treatments.
12 Responsible consumption and prodution
We strive to reduce the environmental impact of our company’s operations through the responsible use of energy and natural resources, minimizing waste, and proactively managing our emissions.
13 Climate action
We minimize our impact on climate change through reduced greenhouse gas emissions, including reductions in energy use, and overall increased use of renewable energy.
17 Partnerships for the goals
We collaborate and establish ongoing partnerships with non-profit organizations, governments, healthcare providers, industry peers and patient organizations to expand the reach of our insights and resources and develop multi-stakeholder solutions to pressing health challenges.