Supplier FAQs

Message from Global Procurement
Teva Global Procurement operates with the purpose to deliver sustainable value to Teva. Through best-in-class procurement processes, solutions, and internal and external collaborations, we ensure uninterrupted supply of goods and services against optimal total costs.
Teva Global Procurement manages $7B in annual spend globally, divided across the categories of Direct Materials, Manufacturing Goods & Services, Indirect and Third Party Operations. This is achieved via global category management teams, sourcing operations centers and local execution by country procurement organizations.
Our aim is to be recognized internally and externally as the most effective, efficient and compliant procurement organization in the generics and biopharmaceutical industry.
Teva Global Procurement is continuously looking for new partnerships that can bring better performance and innovation in products and processes. The group supports Teva to develop, manufacture, sell and deliver essential medicines to millions of patients worldwide.
We promote compliance, ethics and transparency, protecting the environment, improving sustainability, ensuring patient safety, and engaging and supporting our people.
Teva has a comprehensive ESG strategy that supports our commitment to the long-term sustainability and resilience of our company. We promote responsible practices internally and externally, driving ESG improvements across all our business functions, our supply chain, our production and our products.
Teva expects that our suppliers of goods and/or services, regardless of their size and industry sector, commit to the elements of our Responsible Supply Chain Position and ESG Program described in more detail in Teva’s 1st ESG Toolkit for Suppliers:
- Teva’s ESG Letter of Intent for Suppliers
- GP ESG Capability Webinar for Suppliers
- GP ESG Capability Webinar for Suppliers Recording
- Teva Sustainable Procurement Handbook for Suppliers
For any questions regarding the expectations set forth in Teva’s 1st ESG Toolkit for Suppliers, contact us at
Please refer to the Supplier FAQs provided below for general information describing how to work with Teva. If you have additional questions, please contact
What is the Teva Supplier Code of Conduct?
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd (hereinafter “Teva”), maintains high standards for conducting its business in an ethical manner and in accordance with all governmental and industry standards, laws, rules and regulations, as well as Teva’s internal policies. Teva expects the same commitment from its suppliers.
Teva has a comprehensive Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy, focusing on areas viewed as critical to our business and stakeholders. Suppliers shall be familiar with Teva's 2030 ESG goals (available through our ESG program website) and support Teva in achieving them.
This Supplier Code of Conduct specifies the primary principles and expectations Teva requires of suppliers and vendors that have or wish to establish and maintain a business relationship with Teva. It also contains hyperlinks to Teva policies and positions that apply to Teva suppliers.
Contact a Teva representative with any questions regarding the principles and expectations set forth in this Supplier Code of Conduct via
What are the Purchase Order Guidelines?
The following applies to all goods and services procured by Teva from Third Party Suppliers:
- Except as specifically set forth in a Contract with Teva, Purchase Orders including Teva’s Terms and Conditions (PO) and Teva purchasing cards (P-Cards) are the only approved methods Teva uses to enter into a commitment with the Supplier to procure goods and services .If you are not sure if PO is required, please reach out to your Teva contact.
- A Purchase Order can only be issued to Suppliers that have been selected as per Teva’s Global Procurement Policy and if they are set up correctly in Teva’s systems. It is the Supplier’s responsibility to inform Teva of any relevant changes to their Supplier Master Data (such as bank account details or supplier address).
- Teva uses an electronic network to distribute Teva POs electronically to registered suppliers. This paperless system benefits both Teva and Suppliers by being cost effective through reduction of labor, mail, and paper costs in addition to being faster than paper processing. Where Teva elects to transmit POs electronically, suppliers will be invited to register with the electronic system provider.
- Changes in scope or price are communicated to the Supplier through a change Purchase Order; Teva only pays for goods and services as specified on the PO. Teva does not pay for goods shipped in excess of the specified quantity or for services that are not specified on the Purchase Order or for amounts deviating from amount on the PO.
- If a Supplier receives an instruction for goods or services without the mentioning of a PO number or before a PO was submitted, please press your Teva contact person to issue a PO using the locally accepted Purchase Order systems and withhold production and/or delivery until the PO number has been received.
- When required by Teva, an acknowledgement of the PO must be submitted to Teva before work may begin.
- If the Supplier cannot meet the requirements as specified in the Purchase Order, upfront notification to Teva is required to the contact specified on the Purchase Order.
- Suppliers are strongly encouraged to collaborate with Teva to set up catalogs for goods and services.
- Click here to view Teva’s Purchase Order Terms and Conditions.
What is the Purchasing Card (P-Card) Program?
As an alternative to the use of Purchase Orders for certain types of low-dollar, high-frequency purchases, dedicated Teva staff members have been issued Teva purchasing credit cards (P-Cards). The P-Card is limited to certain categories of purchases and to a limited number of approved suppliers. The benefits of this program are lower transactional costs and faster payment to our suppliers. For more information, reach out to your Teva Contact.
What are Teva Standard Payment Terms?
Teva's payment terms are subject to applicable local law and in line with Industry standards.
Invoices are paid according to the agreed payment term counted from the day of receipt of the valid invoice and required documentation at Teva's Accounts Payable Department. In general payments are made in predetermined monthly payment run dates; actual payment is made on the prescheduled payment run date immediately after the due date.
What are the Global Guidelines for sending invoices?
- All invoices to be submitted to Teva as specified under below link .
- All invoices submitted shall include PO number if applicable, or otherwise a cost center number. In case Suppliers do not know if a PO is needed, or what is the PO/Cost center number to be referred to – please contact your Teva contact person. Invoices received without a reference to a PO/Cost center number could result in an invoice rejection and/or a delay in payment.
- Quantity and price indicated on Invoices shall match the PO specified quantity and price. Only agreed upon over delivery is permitted.
- Invoices submitted prior to goods being received/services being rendered will not be accepted.
- Please pay special attention to the invoice currency; Teva requires the invoice currency to match the PO currency. Invoices not meeting this requirement will be returned to the Supplier.
- Teva encourages Suppliers to send invoices in an electronic format (PDF or a file transfer) as much as possible. Not only will this increase the processing time, but also reduces the Suppliers carbon footprint. Centralized invoice email addresses can be found under the Contact Details.
- Teva encourages Suppliers to consolidate invoices on a monthly basis, instead of sending multiple invoices for each occasion a goods or service delivery has been made.
- For individual invoices, Teva holds the right to consolidate these to one monthly payment.
- Teva holds the right to delay payment or even reject invoices not meeting these requirements.
How will payment be received?
- Wire or ACH (Automated Clearing House) transfers are Teva’s preferred payment method. Teva would like to avoid using check payments where possible.
- In case the Supplier bank account has changed / will change, the Supplier is responsible to communicate this change to Teva.
- To prevent external fraud attempts, we require Suppliers to send supporting documentation (such as a letter from the bank or a copy of a bank account statement) when communicating changes of bank account data.
- Teva will always verify (‘4 eye principle’) any changes to the Supplier bank account. This verification could mean Teva will call the Supplier and ask for a verbal confirmation. Suppliers are kindly asked to cooperate.
What options are there to receive payments before they are due?
Teva has partnered with two financial institutions to provide suppliers the option of receiving full payment on invoices before they are due, at a certain cost. This supplier-financing program is available for our US suppliers through AMEX. For Europe suppliers we have engaged with BNP. Currently the BNP program is available in Germany, Croatia, Netherlands, Hungary, and Ireland.
For more information on AMEX BIP program contact and for BNP Program contact:
Does Teva have Supplier Travel Guidelines?
All US based suppliers must read, understand and follow the Teva 3rd Party Travel & Expense Reimbursement Guidelines.
Key tenets are:
- Non-employee travelers are required to use Teva’s Designated Travel Agency, except if otherwise required under contractual obligation or their own relevant company policies.
- Reimbursement of travel-related expenses will be based on an itemized invoice and supporting documentation for claimed expenses.
- Prior to booking any travel arrangements, 3rd Party Travelers are required to get pre-trip approval via email from the internal Teva sponsor.
- The Teva designated class of service for air travel is coach class.
- When booking hotels, ask your Teva contact for preferred Teva hotels, then ask for Teva rate when booking hotel.
- The US Primary and Secondary Car Rental Suppliers are Hertz and Avis respectively. Avis should only be used for car rentals should Hertz not be available.
- The Hertz and Avis rates include insurance coverage for contractors in the 48 contiguous United States/DC/Puerto Rico (insurance NOT included in Canada). Refer to guidelines to determine specifics of insurance for car rentals (for US).
All non-US based suppliers should follow the above guidelines with the exception of use of the Teva Designated Travel Agency. All travel may be booked through the supplier’s own Travel Agency.
Any questions regarding the above should be directed to
What is the Teva Supplier Diversity program?
Teva values inclusion & diversity and embraces it in all aspects of its business — from Teva’s workforce, to external partners, to engagement in the community.
Teva’s external partners include an important stakeholder group: Teva suppliers. Teva is committed to growing and developing successful business relationships with a diverse supplier base that can support Teva’s business objectives.
Teva understands that a well-developed supplier diversity program can be a catalyst for stronger innovation and growth. Recognizing this, Teva is taking a strategic approach to proactively integrate diverse suppliers into its business, focused initially in the U.S.
Teva’s program provides opportunities for the following qualified diverse businesses:
- Minority-Owned
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Owned *
- Woman-Owned *
- Small Disadvantaged **
- Veteran and Service Disabled Veteran-Owned **
- Small Businesses **
- Disabled Owned **
- HUB Zone **
* Teva accepts businesses certified by third party agencies including the SBA, NMSDC, WBENC, NGLCC, and Disability: IN.
** Teva will accept certified & self-certified businesses.
For additional information about Teva’s program or eligibility requirements, please contact
If you are a U.S.-based supplier and wish to register for consideration as a supplier for Teva, please visit our registration site to complete and submit your registration. Teva reserves the right to respond or not respond to your registration, as Teva in its sole discretion deems appropriate. However, when the need for a product or service arises, Teva may contact you should your company's product or service offering match Teva’s need.
Please note: Submitting your company profile and completing Teva’s registration form does not automatically place your company on a "bidder's list", constitute approval of your company as a Teva supplier, or obligate Teva to solicit a request for quotation from your company.
By registering your company at, you acknowledge that you may receive email or other forms of communication from Teva regarding supplier opportunities and related matters.
Should you experience any technical issues, please contact Quantum for support at or call (844) 717-8815.
Who can I contact for inquiries?
- Global Procurement -
- Supplier Diversity -
- Travel policy -
- Account payable information - Click here to find contact details per country
- Teva Supplier Code of Conduct -