HIV Awareness: A Look at the Facts

This HIV Awareness Month, Teva is raising awareness of the impressive progress that has been made to prevent and improve health outcomes related to HIV/AIDS. Yet, we also recognize the need to continue supporting communities and patients, as well as increase access to treatment.
Let’s take a look at some facts about the HIV landscape in 2019:
There is still more work to be done, and prevention is the first step for reducing HIV risk. Condom use is the most effective method for preventing STDs and HIV in any sexual encounter. A routine blood test can help monitor HIV status. There are also preventive medications that can be taken daily or after potential exposure.
Teva is committed to making treatments accessible to more people. Over the past 10 years, we have donated more than $50 million worth of HIV-related medicines to those in need.
10 of the 12 HIV-related medicines Teva makes are featured on this list.
For years, Teva has supported patients living with HIV and helped prevent the spread of this potentially fatal virus. In 2017, we launched five HIV medicines around the world, including North America, Europe and Asia.
Teva’s commitment to help prevent and treat HIV is part of our broader mission to nurture healthy communities around the world, through our portfolio and beyond.
For more information on our recent efforts to address HIV/AIDS and other global health challenges, please see our 2018 Social Impact Report here.
[1] World Health Organization. HIV/AIDS Key Facts. 2019.
[2] UNAIDS. UNAIDS announces nearly 21 million people living with HIV now on treatment.
2017. Available:
[3] IQVIA MIDAS MAT (Q3 2018, Q4 2018, Q1 2019, Q2 2019).
Global analysis of 32 countries.
[4] World Health Organization. Essential Medicines List 21st Edition. 2019.
[5] UNAIDS. Global HIV & AIDS statistics – 2019 fact sheet.
2019. Available: