Helping Address the Impact of Tardive Dyskinesia

As a chronic movement disorder, tardive dyskinesia can have a physical, social, and even vocational impact on patients’ lives. Dr. Richard Jackson, Assistant Clinical Adjunct Professor, University of Michigan School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry, discusses the challenges both patients and doctors face when it comes to discussing the impact that tardive dyskinesia can have on patients’ lives which led to the creation of the IMPACT-TD scale.
Facing difficulties with activities like having trouble eating food or feeling uncomfortable in public when living with tardive dyskinesia may not feel relevant to many patients to discuss during a routine check-up with their healthcare provider. With Teva’s support, Dr. Jackson and his colleagues developed the IMPACT-TD scale which helps account for all the various manifestations of TD – helping provide doctors with the right questions to ask beyond physical symptoms and giving patients the opportunity to take part in their diagnosis.
Find out more
- Hear from Mary Bartlett, who discusses the impact that tardive dyskinesia had on a loved one
- Listen as Teva leadership discusses breaking mental health barriers
- Learn more about the IMPACT-TD scale