The Power of Our People: Inclusion and Diversity at Teva

How building a diverse workforce makes us stronger
At Teva, we believe that diversity drives innovation and creativity. Because of this, we are striving to build a workforce that is representative of the communities we serve and the world at large.
Inclusion and diversity are not just buzz words, they are key to our business and part of our commitment to society at large – read more in our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Progress Report.
These values are embedded in the core of our organization and the sentiments come from the top.
“I believe that even before I joined the company, it’s always been one of the values of Teva to have respect in the workplace, to have a non-discriminatory workplace and to basically include all types of people in the workplace in a fair and open way.”
Kåre Schultz, President and CEO, Teva
We’re committed to building an inclusive work environment that allows everybody to express themselves and realize their full potential.
“With a global reach in over 60 countries around the world, we respect the variety of local cultures and belief systems our employees are part of, which requires us to act with empathy, discipline and tenacity through this fascinating yet delicate journey.”
Galia Inbar, Executive Vice President and Chief HR Officer, Global Communications and Brand
Promoting inclusion in our organizational culture
Our most recent survey of employees found 79% of our workforce feel everyone on their team is treated fairly regardless of personal background or attributes and over 80% of our employees agree that Teva culture promotes I&D.
Future direction: where we’re going
Almost 2,000 Teva employees participated in Inclusion & Diversity (I&D) training on our cross-cultural awareness-learning platform and 6,500 employees trained on unconscious bias across North America and Europe in 2020. By the end of 2021, all 40,000 Teva employees will have been invited to take part in this training and completion rates will be monitored.
An I&D lead has been appointed to strengthen I&D efforts in key regions. Mentoring programs have been set up to foster inclusion across leadership and encourage talent diversity.
“I was fortunate to have a manager early in my career who was a great mentor. She supported my development, encouraged me, and continues to do so even today. I’ve used my experiences and ability to listen and empathize to help others in their own situations.”
Susie Freda, Senior Director Global Procurement, Marketing, Sales & Professional Services
We’re also committed to increasing the representation of women in management and leadership positions, as well as initiatives dedicated to racial diversity and LGBTQ+ inclusion.
“I try to help the women in my site become more confident, because I know they can do a great job. A common problem for women is that if we don’t believe that we are 100% capable of doing a job, we sometimes don’t try. If a man thinks they can do 70%, they will often go for it and figure the rest out later.”
Sara Zavaleta, Senior Director of Project/Program Management
World events: we’re listening
Protests around the world in recent years brought social justice issues into our lives, our homes and our businesses. At Teva, it led us to re-examine the needs of our employees.
Our executives across the globe spoke up in response to police brutality against the Black community, engaging employees in important conversations during town halls and Employee Resource Group (ERG) meetings. Teva’s ERGs were established to facilitate opportunities for networking, mentoring, collaboration and leadership training among employees with shared characteristics and life experiences.
A diverse foundation strengthens our communities and society as well as our own organization, and we’re dedicated to a shared responsibility to provide equal opportunity and foster an inclusive spirit at the core of our business.
Find out more
At Teva, inclusion and diversity are core values that inform our entire organization. Read more
- Hear from our people: meet Janet Vaughn, who talks about the challenges she has overcome in her career
- Learn how Teva is proudly supporting the LGBTQ+ community
- Join our team! Find out about working at Teva