Doctor Discussion Guide - Questionnaire

Doctor discussion guide wizard tool for questionnaire that contains questions and answers, when at the end of the answer, a summary of all the answered along with informative information is displayed.

The summary can be saved by downloading a PDF file/sending the summary by email.

The questionnaire contains steps, in each step there is one question and answers to that question.
The answers can be single choice, multiple choice and free text.

After the first step you can use the back button to go back one step. The progress indicators of previous steps are also used as back buttons.

The last step leads to the results summary page. The summary can be saved by downloading a PDF file/sending the summary by email.
On the summary page, it is possible to click on the "Start over" button, which leads back to the location of the questionnaire, resets the answer in order to allow answering again.

Question 1

Have you been diagnosed with migraine?

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